400 MA X-ray machine & PORTABLE MOBILE X-ray from ALLENGERS

Digital imaging has led to similar improvement and renaissance in X-Ray just as it has in home and professional audio. Music albums and recordings now sound sharper and better than ever because of a digital compact disk (CD) player than on an older analog record player, similarly digital X-Rays often look sharper and clearer than its analog version.

  • The X-Ray passes through the patient’s body and the digital camera (located on the other side of the patient) and captures the resulting image. A main base station stores the pictures on a hard disk for image retrieval and processing.
  • At v and l diagnostics, all digital X-rays are conducted using FCR Capsula X CR system from Fuji.
  • Available at SAMFORD HOSPITAL and to be installed soon at NAGARMAL MODI DSEVA HOSPITAL

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contact information

  • 24 X 7
  • Ground Floor, Samford hospital, Kokar Chowck, Ranchi
  • 9341529311 / 18008913990

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